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P.O. Box 84935
Lincoln, NE 68501

Hamlet is officially SOLD OUT! Thank you to our audiences! | The Turn of the Screw is on sale now!


Individual Tickets

Little But Fierce: 6-9--- July 26-31

Thursday, July 29, 2021
8:30 am10:00 am
Havelock Park (64th & Ballard)

LBF: 6-9
Mon-Sat July 26-31
Little But Fierce 6-9 is an interactive theatre education class diving into Shakespeare's plays through scene work and sword play. With a keen focus on safety, our teaching artists guide students through the conflicts and combat.
Taught by Sasha Dobson and Reed Westerhoff.

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  • Allison M.

    Thrilling performances! Fun venue! To experience such a high quality production in an intimate space was a rare delight — I’ll definitely be back for future performances. Thank you!

Flatwater Shakespeare Company
P.O. Box 84935
Lincoln, NE 68501