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P.O. Box 84935
Lincoln, NE 68501

Hamlet is officially SOLD OUT! Thank you to our audiences! | The Turn of the Screw is on sale now!


Individual Tickets

Little But Fierce: 3-5--- July 19-24

Monday, July 19, 2021
8:30 am10:00 am
Belmont Park (12th and Judson)

LBF: 3-5
Mon-Sat July 19-24
Little But Fierce is an interactive theatre education class that introduces students to Shakespeare's most famous play: Romeo & Juliet, exploring the plot, characters, conflicts, and themes through games, writing activities, and play. Taught by Ann Marie Pollard.

Saturday, July 24th--friends and family are invited to a showcase of learning! Students will share everything they've learned during the week.

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  • Allison M.

    Thrilling performances! Fun venue! To experience such a high quality production in an intimate space was a rare delight — I’ll definitely be back for future performances. Thank you!

Flatwater Shakespeare Company
P.O. Box 84935
Lincoln, NE 68501